
Monday, October 14, 2019

Do Quantum use cases really exist?

By Rich Ptak

Quantum theory has a long history beginning with an early thought exercise by Democritus[1] (c.460 BC to c.370 BC). Skipping ahead, in 1926[2], we find England’s Winston Churchill reading about quantum theory. Amidst war, in 1941, after a luncheon meeting with scientific adviser Frederick Lindemann, Prime Minister Churchill challenged the physicist to explain quantum theory in words of one syllable – in five minutes. Lindemann did so with seconds to spare. Unfortunately, no one recorded the explanation.

More recently, quantum theory and science are again making news as the era of Quantum Computing (QC) readiness begins. The “readiness” era is marked by expanded QC education, engineering, experimentation and innovation with the goal to determine if, where, and how QC can be leveraged for tangible market benefit. Conventional wisdom holds that practical application of Quantum Computing (QC) remain years, if not decades, away. Interest persists as pioneers continue to expand their efforts with results that are changing opinions. Also note that for the foreseeable future, working quantum systems will be hybrid-systems, i.e. combinations of quantum computers working with classical computers and/or cloud systems.

Savvy vendors recognized that a broad ecosystem of QC-knowledgeable resources and entrepreneurial activities would speed scientific development and build market interest. Emulating earlier efforts[3] to grow (and apply) knowledge through broadly dispersed communication and collaboration, QC advocates began building globally distributed networks open to educators, enterprises and innovators to accelerate the path to commercialization.

Today, multiple vendors, including IBM, D-wave, Rigetti Computing, Google, Intel, Microsoft, AWS and others are conducting research and working to deliver a variety of quantum products and services. These range from chips, software algorithms, quantum simulators and processors to full systems. It should be noted that there is little consistency in the definition of the meaning of a “full stack” quantum product.

That said, the first five provide access to quantum services on quantum computing[4] hardware. IBM delivers quantum systems hardware; Rigetti and D-wave offer services via a full stack” which include real quantum hardware. Intel provides chips for assembly into quantum processors with the expectation of full quantum systems in the next 10 years. Google is developing quantum processors and creating quantum algorithms. Microsoft offers “full stack” quantum software services with a statement of commitment and a promise of quantum hardware in the future. Others offer access to similar software simulating or emulating quantum machines. All work with a variety of partners, collaborators, enterprises, research labs, government and educational institutions. For example, Microsoft has organized the Microsoft Quantum Network[5] (global coalition of individual & enterprise partners, private, Azure services, workshops) providing network access to their quantum “stack” to advance quantum computing progress.  

IBM offers IBM Q Network[6] (global, private, for-fee, quantum systems hardware) for enterprise, educational and research efforts. Multi-levels of participation with access to IBM quantum system hardware via the IBM Cloud. IBM also created the IBM Q Experience[7] (global, free, public-access to quantum software and services) offering broad access to a larger public. Recently added is the IBM Quantum Computation Center[8] to meet service demand. IBM offers a complete a set of quantum hardware, software, and cloud-based services that is probably the most expansive and well-structured infrastructure available to the widest variety of quantum interested innovators and explorers. 

Rigetti Computing[9] identifies their offering as the first fully commercial quantum computer (others would dispute that). They offer qualified users direct, exclusive, dedicated access to real quantum system hardware, including tech support if desired.

Providers and offerings are increasing and evolving rapidly. Thousands of individuals in enterprises, universities, and research centers are actively acquiring and sharing knowledge, performing experiments, running applications on quantum simulators, chips, systems and/or through clouds. There exists a diverse ecosystem working to discover where and how QC’s problem-solving potential can be used and exploited.

Learning how to leverage QC is advancing more rapidly than earlier anticipated. No, we’re not yet ready to have a quantum solution in every home. Nor, has the “killer app” been discovered. Most likely it will be some time before the quantum equivalent of VisiCalc or MS Windows appears to make QC everyone’s tool. These are the early days of the QC era of experimentation and learning. But expectations are changing as the spectrum of application and realizable benefits becomes more evident.

Community efforts and shared communication are leading to an improved understanding of where to focus QC application activities. Accumulating experience is yielding insights that lead to intellectual property that will provide competitive advantage. Learning quantum computing takes time. It is accessible to those willing to make the effort and the payoff promises to be huge for those who do.    

Today, the enterprise business case to initiate quantum-oriented education and efforts has evolved from a speculative need to an absolute necessity. Two sure signs indicate a growing interest in QC. These are:
  1. The number and variety of articles about QC appearing in the business and general press (even if they are not technically accurate).
  2. The proliferation and variety of QC consulting services and resources to help business and technical staffs wanting to acquire QC knowledge as they attempt to identify and evaluate how and where they might use QC.
There is no clear indication which vendor(s) will dominate QC. Several competing building block models for qubits exist. Each has its own merit in addressing the major problems of qubit stability, loss of coherence, shelf-life, error correction, etc. These factors means that the number of qubits[10] available make a very poor metric of performance or comparison. IBM has proposed Quantum Volume, a composite of those problems as a more realistic, comprehensive, vendor-neutral, and coherent metric. As structured Quantum Volume works for any gate and circuit-based quantum computing system.

The next section summarizes conclusions about quantum use cases based on the experience of IBM and IBM Q Network users. Other vendor views will be covered as they become available.  

IBM suggested market focus and usage cases  

With its IBM Q Network[11] and quantum access[12] via IBM Cloud (IBM Q Experience[13]), IBM has been a leading provider of access to real quantum systems and quantum simulators (very useful for sandbox experimentation and testing). IBM and Q Network participant experiences suggest that near-term applications of QC should focus on:
  1. Improving models of natural physical processes interactions at a molecular level – yield a more detailed understanding of the details of changes, interactions, well as assessing the impact of external stimuli.
  2. Driving improved solution scenarios – by more efficiently and quickly running multiple simulations quality is improved – more iterations, faster performance, using less but higher quality data.
  3. Improving quality of optimized solutions - run more iterations faster using less, but higher quality data. 
  4.  Improve AI/ML pattern recognition to increase accuracy and precision. QC allows broader context to identify and test dependencies, relationships, interactions, etc.

IBM also discussed three areas of validated proof of benefit or potential for benefit. IBM usage experts discussed specific results relating to:  
  1.  Financial Services – as an aid to quantitative financial analysis, e.g. using simulations to create and evaluate models for pricing derivatives;
  2. Chemistry – modeling individual chemical molecular changes during a process, e.g. modeling the process of lithium decay (in a battery) to learn how to extend battery life;
  3. Manufacturing – applies to numerous, highly diverse areas, such as distribution and supply chain optimization, design and creation of new materials with specific desirable characteristics, e.g. strength, durability, flexibility, etc.
  4. Both categories will grow and expand significantly as QC experience and experimentation accumulate. For more on IBM, Rigetti, Google and Microsoft visit the Ptak Associates Technology Blog[14]. 

Further thoughts on usage

The number and variety of use cases and areas of application is expanding. The pattern for use will be realized in hybrid combinations of classical and quantum systems. QC knowledge can yield benefits in solving classical computing problems. For example, classical algorithms[15] have benefited. Working with quantum algorithms, in many ways distinctly different from classical algorithms, has led to reformulation of classical computing algorithms to run faster and yield more accurate solutions on existing classical computers, even besting the quantum approach.


Use cases do exist. We repeat, NOW is the time to start on the road to understanding and potentially benefiting from quantum computing’s unique capabilities. Even if specific benefits remain unknown, today’s efforts yield results clearly indicating  quantum computing‘s potential to significantly benefit users. 

We firmly believe that:
  1. The era of quantum readiness is well underway and expanding rapidly with emerging results and an impressive number of vendor efforts.
  2. QC requires learning and experience to frame problem definition and solution design in quantum terms.
  3. Time and effort invested in QC learning today; will pay off in competitive advantage that will be hard to overcome by latecomers.
  4. For the foreseeable future, progress will be made via hybrid-systems combining quantum computers, classical computers and cloud systems.
  5. QC will radically change how we view, think about, and solve problems while greatly expanding the frontiers of what can be done.
We don’t know who will first deliver TRUE Quantum Advantage defined as a programmable general- purpose computer solving a real problem. The number of competitors is growing. IBM appears to be leading with IBM Q Network, IBM Q, use case scientists and business experience. Their latest move providing a quantum textbook and tutorials reflects their on-going commitment to growing the quantum community. Kudos to them.

Google, Rigetti Software, D-wave, Microsoft, etc. have also demonstrated an ability and willingness to compete. We wish good luck to all. We believe that a functioning quantum hardware platform will be necessary for long-term success.

Visit our blog to see more of our commentaries on the evolution[16] of quantum from theory as well as quantum ready computing, and community growth.

[1] Scott Aaronson, Quantum Computing since Democritus,  (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013)
[2] Andrew Roberts, Churchill: Walking with Destiny,  (Viking, 2018), p664
[3] Republic of Letters, Europe-wide effort from 1600 to mid-800’s to share and advance knowledge
[4]  Note D-wave builds quantum annealing systems vs. universal quantum gate systems (IBM, Rigetti, etc.)
[15] Step-by-step instructions to solve a problem.

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